About me

I am currently a Senior Science Writer at Tempus Labs where I focus on developing and managing scientific publications in the field of precision oncology. Previously, I worked as an NIH-funded post-doctoral researcher in the lab of Claus O. Wilke at The University of Texas at Austin. Before that, I completed my PhD at Northwestern University where I was joinly advised in the labs of Luis A.N. Amaral and Michael C. Jewett. My research interests span a range of topics in computational and theoretical biology.

Credit where credit is due

This website was built using the academicpages template and is hosted on GitHub pages. This template was originally forked from the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme created by Michael Rose, and then graciously extended by Stuart Geiger. For my small part, I added a landing/splash page to the basic layout. Overall, the process of getting set up and modifying the template to make a nice and clean website is fairly straight-forward, and I’d be happy to help if you have any questions about where to begin. All source code for the site is available on my GitHub page